Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Trying this out

So, I've had this thing for more than a post, but since no one read my shit, it was more of a place to vent. Oh, how I needed it more than you think.

So...now I want to get public with this thing. Even if it's just friends and family reading it. This can also serve as good practice, but what to write about? Every inspiring writer seems to have one of these, and the question I always ask is: "what makes you think people care?" I mean, I always found it a tad arrogant for people to create a whole web page about their thoughts and opinions of subjects. Then when I sat and thought about it (sometimes I'm a little more bored than most), I realized that applies to all writing. Novels, poems, narrative, etc...it all comes from what the author finds interesting, and there are people who care. A writer is nothing without her/his readers.

So this is for all you lovely book worms.

If you don't already know (you probably do, but here's hoping a stranger actually likes this) I'm Marco. Twenty one year old living on his own with roommates, who's day job is providing case management to active substance abusers and/or those who are mentally ill. Mouthful, no? Not to toot my own horn (I don't even think that's possible with my job), I am the youngest person in my field. How did I end up there? Eh, that's not as interesting as the job itself. Why do I find this important to share with you? Perhaps I'll share some interesting client stories from time to time.

I also write, obviously. That is actually who I am, but we all need a day job (although being useful in the world is also part of who I am). See, I ran out of things to say.

Oh, well out of all my pre-venting posts, I decided to keep one. It may sound like I went off the deep end, but it definitely represents me well. In the topic of relationships with another human being anyway. If you have any questions, please go through the hassle of getting a blogger account to ask me. Honestly, what a way to hook you in. Good job, blogger!

The way I found this blog site is through that chick Julie Powell. The one who went Julia Child crazy and blogged about her adventures in the kitchen. I wonder how many of you pictured Amy Adams and Meryl Streep when you read that (I'm also curious to hear what second wave feminists had to say about it). Anywho. She made it big off this thing, but then again, I feel that had a lot to do with being at the right place at the perfect time (not to discredit her writing ability, I enjoyed her book). Blogs weren't on every writer's mind then, so they were few and scarce. Also, everyone thought web pages back then made you official. So when someone witty and fun comes along with an eccentric project, it was only a matter of time.

Too bad I was young and probably more concerned with high school angst at the time.

Then again, I was busy asking all my teachers what sodomy meant, but I'll leave that flashback for a later post (or whenever it becomes relevant again).

All right, I really should try doing my actual job that feeds and shelters me. Hope this was as much fun for you as it was for me.



  1. Well, this is exciting! Kinda forced me to get an account for all you bloggin' bloggers. I hope you update often. You said you left an older entry? I wanna see this. Now. So, that's what I'm going to do. <3 You knew I'd follow you, wench.
